Special Sessions

SS 7. Radioactive Waste Safety Assessment: Recent Development and Issues
Date Oct. 6 (Thu)
Time 10:30-12:10
Venue Vista Hall (B2)
Organizers Chang-Lak KIM (KEPCO International Nuclear Graduate School, Korea)
The Korean national plan for high level radioactive waste management was announced earlier this year. Under this circumstance, this special session was prepared to share recent developments in radioactive waste safety assessment and related issues. The ve invited speakers from SNL (USA), KAERI, KAIST and KINGS will present safety and performance assessment experience from both operating and planned geologic repositories. In addition, recent regulatory developments related to low-level waste management will be presented.
Safety Assessment of Geologic Repository in Korea Chul-Hyung KANG (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Korea, Republic of)
Modications Implemented for the 2014 WIPP Compliance Recertication Application and their Impacts on Regulatory Compliance Chris CAMPHOUSE (Sandia National Laboratories, United States)
Blending of Low-Level Radioactive Waste for Disposal David KESSEL (KEPCO International Nuclear Graduate School, Korea, Republic of)
WIPP Performance Assessment: Radionuclide Release Sensitivity to Diminished Brine and Gas Flows to/from Transuranic Waste Disposal Areas Brad DAY (Sandia National Laboratories, United States)
Applicability of Complementary Safety Indicators to Long-Term Performance Assessment of Deep Geological Disposal Jong-Il YUN (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea, Republic of)

OverviewOverview Overview